It’s Potpourri (Multi-Genre) on #Instafreebie Time Again!! Yeah!!!

Potpourri on #Instafreebie! Go ahead and admit it, you were waiting for Potpourri on #Instafreebie Time Again! LOL I always see such huge numbers coming to the site when I offer up all genre’s for Instafreebie! So here you go! Just no erotica. Basically, all books are Rated R or below. That means you will […]

Clean Romance Reads on #Instafreebie!

Clean Romance Reads on #Instafreebie! Spring is here and so are the Clean Romance Reads on #Instafreebie! Looking for something in Science Fiction, but want a sweet romance? Got it! How about some PG-13 romance in fantasy? Got it! Clean Contemporary Romance? Yup, that too! Keep reading to see the different genres that have some […]

Exciting Scifi and Fantasy on #Instafreebie!

Exciting Scifi and Fantasy on #Instafreebie!   WOW! There is an excellent line-up of Scifi and Fantasy on #Instafreebie this week! Scintillating tales of far-off planets, wars, abductions, sword & sorcery, and children’s to name just a few! And let’s not forget the heart-warming romance that goes along with these fantastic genres! Be sure to […]

Anthologies and Boxed Sets on #Instafreebie!

Anthologies and Boxed Sets on #Instafreebie!   This week have something extra special! It’s Anthologies and boxed sets on #Instafreebie! If you have seen my posts before, you know I like to switch it up and try something new once in a while. This time I have collected some fantastic Anthologies and Boxed Sets in […]

#Instafreebie Potpourri Bliss!

Potpourri on #Instafreebie Time!   Do to popular demand, I got a ton of authors together for another Potpourri on #Instafreebie event! We have almost 90 FREE books!!! So come on in and peruse the “stacks”! I bet you find something you like since it’s all genre’s week! (Except erotica) There will be Fantasy, Urban […]