Miss Claus and the Secret Santa is FREE through Dec 5th!

Miss Claus and the Secret Santa From now until December 5th you can get a FREE copy of Miss Claus and the Secret Santa on Amazon! That’s right, an early Christmas Present! Woot Woot! Not sure what this book is about? That’s OK, here’s a little description to whet your appetite for more! Santa Claus […]

How About a New Snippet? Worlds Collide!

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  Worlds Collide just launched and I have a snippet for you from the book! Curious about this story? Wonder who is the main character this time? Come on in and meet Natalie. Worlds Collide is book 2 of the Worlds Away series! When the V’Zenians abducted 200 humans they had no idea who they […]

Interview with Paris from Worlds Away! Part 1

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  Interview with Paris   I recently sat down with Paris from Worlds Away and had a chance to ask her about her story. She’s a fun girl, a bit quirky, but sweet in her own way. It’s amazing how strong she is even after everything that’s happened to her. But you know what they […]

Worlds Away Has Launched!

  The stunning story of how one homeless girl went up against two different alien races to help her fellow abductees is now live!   200 years ago, the Earth was conquered, but nobody knew. Commander Venay of the V’Zenian Empire was a man on a mission. It was his responsibility to ensure a good […]

Join Me in the Land of Enchantment – New Orleans!

  There are 2 sides to New Orleans, the one all humans see, and the one very few survive long enough to enjoy. This tale is of 4 adopted sisters who find out about the underbelly of New Orleans and survive to tell the tale!   For a Limited Time, get this Boxed Set of […]