Review of Jaclyn and the Beanstalk
My Review of Jaclyn and the Beanstalk While this is a retelling of the Jack and the Beanstalk faerie tale, it’s much more than a boy who accidentally creates a giant beanstalk that takes him to a land of mystery and giants. Instead, it stars a 16 year old girl who has a loving mother […]
Shadow Stalker by Renee Scattergood
An author Friend of mine, Renee Scattergood, has a new book coming out! Her Shadow Stalker series is one of my favorite fantasy series out there! Seriously, I read the first book and had to meet her! I reached out to her, she is in Australia so it was a virtual meeting, and we have […]
I Reviewed AJ Chaudhury’s Latest Short Story!
A Song of Blood (Pragjotisha series Book 1) by AJ Chaudhury is available on Amazon at AJ lives in India and is a young, independent author who has a flair for the fantasy realm. This Novella is a prequel to a series he plans on writing next. This is a story that is steeped […]