MARCH GIVEAWAY PROMOTIONKISS ME I’M IRISHThis is a special Facebook Promotion to help authors and readers interact with one another!
Scroll down to find the link to the Promo!
MARCH GIVEAWAY PROMOTIONKISS ME I’M IRISHThis is a special Facebook Promotion to help authors and readers interact with one another!
Scroll down to find the link to the Promo!
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2 Responses
Love your NO FEAR! attitude!
I’m not sure what’s involved with the March Promotiion….giveaway????
I clicked on link for that and this is the page I ended up with….’
so here I am…and I confess I’ve not read any of your books…though from the wee bit I’ve read about you, I’m thinking our books might, too, be intriguing!
Your travel adventures sound like fun….took my first trip abroad last year – to England.I walked all over London – and experienced that awesome city first-hand and LOVED IT! I’d love to go back….
Last year was also my first Cruise – to Alaska….and that was absolutely BREATHTAKING! We did the “inside passage” = cruising right on Glacier Lake…the captain turned the boat about and we sate there gazing at the Glacirr for a bit = til it started to calf That was absolutely THE most awesome thing I’ve ever seen in my life…and something I’ll never forget! It was, by far, THE most Spiritual Experience of my life…and one night as we were leaving Alaskan waters, we witnessed the Northern Lights! Some who’d been on that same cruise for 8 years told us they had NEVER seen the Northern Lights! Amazing Nature on display for several hours….non-stop beauty! I was so thrilled with this first cruise, I didn’t want it to end…so I “signed on” for further “duty” – as the ship headed out into the Pacific for a 14 day Hawaii Cruise! On the Island of Kauai, I even took a helicopter tour….now, THAT is AWESOME!!!
Now I’m hooked on travel…and the only thing holding me back is my damned bank account! Have to select from several options…because money won’t allow all…but possibly Tuscany? Another cruise?
Sorry about that! the organizers sent me the HTML and it did this. If you put your cursor on the image and scroll down, you will see a “click here” to enter spot.
Sounds like you had a blast! I love cruising! So much fun and you get to see more places than if you were on land.