#SaveXandrie or #KillXandrie

Now that you have read The Eclipse of Power, what’s that? You haven’t read it yet? What are you waiting for? This blog will make so much more sense if you have read book 3! 🙂 That’s a link to my Amazon book 3 page in case you didn’t know. (insert diabolical laugh here)

For those who have read book 3, what do you think about Xandrie? She is in book 4 as well, which goes up next week for pre-sale and will be available May 13th. Do you like her character? Is she a great “good guy”? Or should I give her a masterful death? I’ll start writing book 5 later next week and plan on making it full length so you have some time to either message me here and let me know what you want. Or to tweet one of the above hashtags, your choice.

Xandrie started out as a “red shirt” character. I was killing so many un-named characters that I asked my writing group for some names. Xandrie is an author and she volunteered the use of her name. I did promise to kill her, but ended up liking her character. B’Lana needed a girl friend to hang with, since she only had guys around, so Xandrie has become that person to her.

Don’t forget to tweet #SaveXandrie or #KillXandrie and get your copy of The Eclipse of Power at Amazon today!



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